Flow can be measured with many different measuring principles and in many different devices. Flow measurements are used for controlling environmental conditions, density control, pH regulation and volume collection and is a critical parameter in many places. Medico Support offers accredited calibration of many different types of flow equipment, such as mass flow meters, flow switches, V / A gauges, rotary meters and pistons.
In addition, we apply and handle different measurement principles such as positive displacement, thermal and differential pressure. All calibrations can be performed at own laboratories or at the customer. We can calibrate accredited in the measurement range: 0 to 2500 l / min
0 to 2305 ln / min at 1013.25 hPa (1 atm) & 0 ° C
0 to 2500 lpm at 1013.25 hPa (1 atm) & 23 ° C We can perform traceable calibration in the range: 2500 to 4166 l / min
2305 to 3842 ln / min at 1013.25 hPa (1 atm) & 0 ° C
2500 to 4166 lpm at 1013.25 hPa (1 atm) & 23 ° C The calibration is performed by our routine staff, who are always up to date with the latest knowledge and know the latest requirements.
They can also provide advice when purchasing new measuring equipment.